Grand Lodge Officers
R.W. Bro. John D Jans
District Deputy Grand Master
Bruce District 2024/25
A Message from the DDGM
Welcome to Bruce District!
Freemasonry is an ancient and honorable society. Its principles are built upon standards of conduct in an ever-changing world. It is a body of knowledge and system of ethics based upon the belief that each man has a responsibility to improve himself while being devoted to his family, country, and fraternity. Bruce District encompasses the Bruce Peninsula, situated about 2 ½ hours North of The City of Toronto and comprises 14 Lodges, from 10 cities and towns across the area.
Welcome to the Bruce District Freemasons!
Brethren, it is both an honour and a privilege to serve as your District Deputy Grand Master. I am Excited to start this New chapter in my Masonic journey. As I travel throughout the District, I will be carrying the messages and greetings from the Most Worshipful Jamie R. Ireland. Together, with the exceptional team of dedicated Brethren in place for this year, we are committed to fostering unity, enhancing communication, and promoting growth within our District. Our committees, filled with skilled and passionate members, are ready to serve and ensure the smooth operation of our District’s activities. We look forward to working together, supporting each other, and continuing to uphold the values and traditions that define Freemasonry. Let us make this Masonic year one of collaboration, fellowship, and shared success.
Please feel free to contact any of our committee members, your District Secretary W. Bro Paul Ziegler at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or myself R. W. Bro. John D. Jans at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you for your dedication and continued support. We are excited to serve our District and look forward to a prosperous and fulfilling Masonic year ahead.
Fraternally yours,
R.W. Bro. John D. Jans
District Deputy Grand Master
Bruce District
District Deputy Grand Master Visitations 2024-25
January 3rd-4th District Deputy Grand Masters Meeting – Whitby
Janurary 5th Masonic Service, Walkerton - 7:00 pm
January 25th DDGM Orientation - Harriston - 8:30 am
Janurary 27th Robbie Burns Night, Hanover Masonic center - 6:00 pm
January 28th Landmarks Temple No 324 - 7:00 pm
February 4th London Masonic Center District Deputy Fraternal Visit
February 8th Saugeen No. 197 District Deputy Official Visit
February 12th Barton Lodge No. 6, Hamilton District Deputy Fraternal Visit
February 18th 4 District Lodges Meeting Drayton
February 25th Harriston Lodge No 262 District Deputy Official Visit
February 28th Grand Lodge Board of General-Purpose Meeting for DDGM's
March 1St Harriston Pancake Breakfast
March 3rd Scott Grand Valley District Deputy Fraternal Visit
March 10th Wroxeter No. 162 District Deputy Official Visit
March 19th Reunion Lodge St Catherines, District Deputy Fraternal Visit
March 20th Port Elgin No. 429 District Deputy Official Visit
March 25th Tiverton No. 341 District Deputy Official Visit
March 27th Chesley Forest No. 393 District Deputy Official Visit
March 28th Grand Lodge Board of General-Purpose Meeting for DDGM's
April DTBD Bruce District Lodge of Instruction
April 1st No. 396 District Deputy Official Visit
April 8th Seymour Lodge Ancaster District Deputy Fraternal Visit
April 9th King Hiram Lodge Tillsonburg District Deputy Fraternal Visit
April 10th Aldworth No. 235 District Deputy Official Visit
April 22nd Harriston No. 262 50 Year Pin Presentation Harriston
April 25th Grand Lodge Board of General Purpose Meeting for DDGM's
May 4th District Divine Service Harriston
May 20th District Meeting Harriston 7:30 pm
May 23rd Grand Lodge Board of General Purpose Meeting for DDGM's
June 5th Aldworth Lodge BBQ
June 20th Bruce District Golf Tournament Sauble Golf & Country Club
June 30th Hanover Steak Fry Hanover
*Note – Additional Dates will be added as they are confirmed
- May 14th Saugeen Lodge No. 197 – Walkerton 7:30 pm
- May 15th Port Elgin No. 429 - Port Elgin 7:30 pm
- May 22nd Forest Lodge No. 393- Chesley - 7:30 pm
- May 26th Hanover Lodge No. 432 – Hanover 7:30 pm
- June 3rd Cedar Lodge No. 396 – Wiarton 7:30 pm
- June 4th Northern Light Lodge No. 93 – Kincardine 7:30 pm
- June 9th Forest Lodge No. 162 - Wroxeter 7:30 pm
- June 10th Burns Lodge No. 436 – Hepworth 7:30 pm
- June 12th Fordwich Lodge No. 331 – Fordwich 8:00 pm
- June 12th Aldworth Lodge No. 235 - Paisley 8:00 pm
- June 16th Moravian Lodge No. 431 - Cargill 8:00 pm
- June 18th St. Lawrence Lodge No. 131 South Hampton 7:30 pm
- June 24th Harriston Lodge No. 262 – Harriston 7:30 pm
- June 24th Bruce Lodge No. 341 – Tiverton 8:00 pm
R.W. Bro. John D Jans, DDGM of Bruce District and
V.W Bro Donald Grant, Grand Tyler
R.W. Bro. John D Jans, DDGM of Bruce District and
V.W Bro. Peter Watsham, Grand Steward
R.W. Bro. James O. Wark
Member of the Board of General Purposes - Aldworth Lodge No. 235